QRNG products

THIKE, The source of true quantum randomness by ThinkQuantum, provides the most secure random numbers, based on the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. At the core of the device, a true random entropy source enables an ultra fast stream of random numbers.

Key features

High rate

High data rate, for fast real-time stream of random numbers


True quantum randomness allows for the highest security of the generated numbers


Entropy rate certified by security proof against general attacks

Hardware extraction

Real-time randomness extraction performed on hardware, for high speed secure data stream

Device independent

Source-device independent scheme


Internal parameters monitoring


Quick installation, robust and reliable
Tailored solution

Flexible design for customized solutions. Stand-alone and OEM versions available


ThinkQuantum, based in Italy with an Italian shareholder structure, offers a reliable European Supply Chain

Technical specifications

  • Quantum entropy source: heterodyne based (source-device independent)
  • Internal quantum entropy source: 2 Gbps
  • Random post-processed bit rate: 330 Mbps (secure random bits)
  • Test compliant: NIST SP 800-22 (NIST STS), Dieharder tests suite
  •  Operating conditions: 10°C to 30°C, 80% r.h. non condensing
  • Storage conditions: -10 to 60 °C, 90% r.h. non  condensing (30°C)
  • Dimensions stand-alone / OEM: 19″ rackmount, 1U chassis, 300 mm depth / 41mm x 200 mm x 300 mm (H x W X L)
  • Interfaces stand-alone / OEM: RJ45, DC plug DIN 5 / RJ45, DC plug
  • Power supply stand-alone / OEM: dual voltage 12V-5V (40W), external power supply provided / 12 V (40W)

Markets & Applications

  • Security systems and classical cryptographic services 
  • High-end electronic manufacturers demanding for higher security and true random number generations
  • Diverse applications such as Computation, Gaming, Automotive, Pro & Consumer Electronics